Adult Programs

Westford Community Rowing offers several programs on a year round basis for both novice and experienced rowers. Rowing can truly be a lifelong sport. WCR has members ranging in age from their twenties to seventies, and it's never too late to start.

Go to RegattaCentral to see the current schedule and pricing, and to sign-up for all programs. Please direct any questions to

Find the program that interests you for more details.

Learn to Row

Our Learn-to-Row programs are ideal for those who never held an oar or those looking to get back into the sport. Rowers will be given an introduction to rowing biomechanics and terminology, and will soon be rowing in boats in a safe and fun environment. No experience is necessary to join!

Sessions typically begin late May and run through the end of August. Please see  below for last season's schedule to see what to expect in 2025. 

Summer 2024 Schedule

Adult LTR Term 1:  5/28/24 - 6/20/24 Tue/Thu 6:00pm-7:30pm

Adult LTR Term 2: 6/25/24 - 7/23/24 Tue/Thu 6:00pm-7:30pm (No Class 7/4)

Adult LTR Term 3: 7/30/24 - 8/22/24 Tue/Thu 6:00pm-7:30pm

We add classes throughout the summer depending on demand. Please check RegattaCentral for the current schedule and contact us at with any scheduling questions.

Click here for registration details.

Masters Rowing

The Masters Rowing program consists of adult men and women of various skill levels interested in both recreational and competitive rowing. The program focuses on enjoying the sport, participation in local regattas, and improving fitness while deepening mastery of both sculling and sweeping disciplines.

The 2025 on-water season will begin April 2025. Please see  below for last season's schedule to see what to expect in 2025. 

2024 Practices:

Mon 5:30am-7:00am Mon 6:00pm-7:30pm

Wed 5:30am-7:00am Wed 6:00pm-7:30pm 

Fri 5:30am-7:00am Thurs 6:00pm-7:30pm

Beginning October 2024, to adhere to the daylight safety policy detailed in the WCR Handbook, practices will move to the following times:

Mon 6:00am-7:30am Mon 5:30pm-7:00pm

Wed 6:00am-7:30am Sat 8:00am-9:30am

Fri 6:00am-7:30am

Attend as many or as few practice per week your schedule allows. One registration gives you access to both morning and evening practices.

Masters Rowing includes Logbook Sculling.

Click here for registration details.

Logbook Sculling

Logbook Sculling is for rowers who have passed the WCR Captain’s Test and have been cleared to row WCR club singles/doubles. Boats and oars are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Logbook 2024 Season April 2025-November 2025. More info to come.

Logbook 2024 Season: 4/17 - 11/1

Once a rower has passed the WCR Captain's Test, they will receive credentials to access iCrew, our online boat reservation system.

Logbook sculling is not available during coached sessions.

Available boats

Click here for registration details.

Sculling Clinic

This program is for active sweep rowers who would like some focused time and instruction sculling in a 1x, either a Zephyr recreational single or one of our "skinny" racing singles. This program will support your sculling goals, which might include:

This program meets two consecutive weekends:

Saturday 8:00-10:00AM

Sunday 8:00-10:00AM

Please email if interested in a sculling clinic.

Private Lessons

We offer 90 minute private lessons for 1 or 2 people.

If for 2 people, the lesson can be in either singles or a double.

Click here for registration details.

For more information contact us at

Pricing for Private/Group Lessons

1-Person (1x) $100 Members $80

2-People (1x/2x/2-) $150 Members $90

4-People (4+/4-/4x) $200 Members $100

8-People (8+) $280 Members $120

Member pricing applies if at least half the participants are current members.

Military discount for lessons is member pricing.

Winter Training/Erging

Winter training on Concept2 Indoor Rowing Machines at the Mill Works in Westford.

Winter 2024-25 in currently in session. Please email for more info. 

Register on with your icrew account.

Check back during the Fall for Winter 2026 info!

For more info, check your email for a message from or email Jon ( for more info.

Click here for registration details.

Military Discounts

Westford Community Rowing is proud to offer the following discounts

Active Duty Service Members 100%

Gold Star Family Members 100%

Veterans and War Veterans 50%

National Guard and Reservists 50%

Family of Active Duty Service Members 50%

For more info, email